Posts Tagged ‘california voc laws’

The Guide to California VOC Regulations and Limits

Posted on: July 22nd, 2024

VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds, are one cause of pollution and poor air quality. California VOC regulations were created to improve air quality by reducing VOC emissions. VOCs are present in a number of everyday items, including fragrances, paints, and aerosol products. If you’re looking to have your home repainted, you could be affected by California VOC limits. 

In our guide, we’ll explain what VOCs are, what the California VOC regulations and limits are, and what you need to know when having your home painted. 

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What Are VOCs?

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are a group of chemicals that off-gas–or evaporate–easily at room temperature. In fact, as soon as paint touches the air, the VOCs begin to off-gas and can continue to do so for months. They’re often used in paints and varnishes to dilute the other ingredients. Some types of VOCs can be used as fire retardants, while others are present in cleaners and fragrances.

Why Is VOC Bad?

VOCs are bad because they are harmful to both the environment and to your health. VOCs react with nitrous oxides in the air to form ozone, a major contributor to the formation of smog. Smog causes respiratory issues, aggravates asthma, and reduces lung functions. Some VOCs are toxic and can damage your liver, kidney, and central nervous system, while others can cause cancer. 

In addition to harming your health, ozone can harm plants, damage crops, and reduce agricultural yields. Some VOCs are greenhouse gasses that affect global warming and persist in the atmosphere. 

VOCs also cause indoor air pollution. According to the National Library of Medicine, indoor VOCs can be concentrated seven times higher than outdoor VOCs. That’s because VOCs get stuck inside rooms with poor ventilation. Reducing VOC emissions can lessen their harmful effects and improve both indoor and outdoor air quality. 

What are California’s VOC Regulations?

California VOC regulations are designed to improve air quality by limiting the number of VOCs that products can emit. The California VOC limits have been around since 1989, with the most recent update going into effect in January of 2023. 

Some key aspects of the California VOC regulations include:

  • General consumer products: The California Air Resources Board, or CARB, regulates VOC consumer products, like deodorants and antiperspirants, hairspray, and adhesives. 
  • Architectural coatings: CARB sets VOC limits for different types of coatings used in architectural applications. In other words, paints, stains, and varnishes have to follow the California VOC limits.
  • Aerosol products: Any aerosol products, like air fresheners and insecticides, have to reduce their VOC emissions by 2030. 

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What Are California’s VOC Laws?

The California Air Resources Board, or CARB, enforces VOC laws under the California Code of Regulations. California VOC regulations cover numerous categories, including consumer products, paints, automotive refinishing products, cleaners, and more. 

California VOC Limits

California VOC limits are product-specific. They aim to reduce emissions that contribute to smog and cause respiratory issues. The limits vary by product category, with detailed tables available on CARB’s website

California’s VOC Paint Limits and Requirements

In the US, organizations like OSHA and the EPA set limits on VOC emissions in paints. Additionally, many states have their limits. The California VOC regulations limit the amount of VOCs that can be present in paints, varnishes, and other architectural coatings. These limits apply to any coatings sold or used in California and are much lower than those in many other states. 

How They Affect Which Houses Can Be Painted

If you’re planning to hire a painting contractor like LNL Construction for your Sacramento home, you could be affected by California VOC regulations. For example, if your home was built before 1978, you cannot hire contractors to paint for you. 

Another way California VOC limits will affect your painting project is the types of paints you can use. Paints and coatings sold in California have to comply with state VOC limits, which means you’ll need to use low-VOC or zero-VOC products. Not complying with these standards can result in fines and other penalties. 

What Are California’s VOC Standards?

California’s VOC standards are some of the strictest in the country. They include specific limits for different product categories. These standards help reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution and protect public health. 

The Max VOC Levels Allowed in California

In California, the max VOC levels differ depending on the specific product category. For example, when it comes to paints, stains, and varnishes, flat coatings have a limit of 50 grams per liter, non-flat coatings (satin or semi-gloss) have a limit of 100 grams per liter, and non-flat high gloss coatings have a limit of 150 grams per liter. 


The California VOC regulations and limits aim to improve air quality and public health. These regulations impact the types of paint that can be sold and used in California as well as the types of homes that can be painted. 

If your home was built after 1978, let LNL Construction handle your painting project. We do interior and exterior painting in Sacramento. With our years of experience, we know how to handle the intricacies of California VOC regulations and laws. Contact us today for a free estimate!

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