Honesty, Integrity and Common Sense

Landon & Jessica, Owners of LNL Construction

With over 31 years of experience we found a missing component to the construction field. We founded our company after speaking to many residents in the greater Sacramento valley and Placer county and listening to what they would like to see when hiring a contractor to work on their home or office. We saw a need for our level of service that is based on honesty, integrity and common sense. Our goal is to provide a level of service like no other. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you!

Since I entered the construction industry over 31 years ago I have seen many changes. Some of the changes have been positive, while others have not. Many professionals in the industry today see the benefit of “over promising and under delivering”. I was never raised this way. Your word is your word.

When you decide to begin improvements to your home that will involve hiring a contractor, how do you know the contractor you are hiring is going to take care of your project as if they were having work done on their own home? How do you know the contractor is “ethical”? Ethics are not only words, but perspectives. Seeing the changes in the industry, I chose to build a company that is built upon honesty, integrity and common sense. These are not only words, but the foundation of LNL CONSTRUCTION AND REMODEL.

Our main goal is to build a level of trust with our customers like no other.

We realize that in order to maintain this level of trust, we start by providing a “scope of work” that clarifies to both parties the level of work to be performed. This foundation allows solid communication from the start. From proposal to contract, everything is done with honesty, integrity and common sense in mind.

We also want to provide our customers a level of service and peace of mind which starts with your project and the environment in your home. We give our employees a work environment that allows them to feel safe to grow. We have found that when an employee feels safe to grow, they will put their heart into their work. This provides a level of service to our customers like no other.

My dream is that we will be able to provide a level of genuine customer service, that will spread like wild fire. As Mahatma Gandhi once quoted: “Be the change that you want to see in the world!”

I wish to be that change!!!!!!!


Landon Linville

Landon signature

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